
DY Music and the Wisemann brand is fast becoming one of the most prominent names in wind instrument design and manufacture.
Established in Beijing 1999, we created the brand name ®Wisemann in response to growing demand for high quality brass instruments and opened our own factory in 2007 to ensure quality and consistency.
Our products include brass, woodwind, strings, percussion and music accessories.
We offer OEM & ODM and have long relationships with over 150 factories and suppliers and are working with professional musicians, foreign experts and craftsmen from around the globe on research & design, manufacturing and play testing.
We are continually implementing and developing the latest advanced manufacturing techniques such as our Brass Instrument Analysis System and take great pride in our craftsmanship.
Today Wisemann has distributors in over 20 countries and for more than 10 years we have attended the NAMM Show and Musik Messe.
Wisemann is proud to be a family business and currently employs approximately 60 highly trained skilled professionals operating its factory and is managed by 20 dedicated administration staff.
Committed to quality education and performance, Wisemann founded the Wisemann Brass Ensemble which is Asia’s first ever independent professional brass ensemble and the Wisemann Music Education Department.

SanMarco is a new orchestra brand using traditional designs that go back centuries; yet incorporating improvements like better wood and tailpieces to make learning easier and more fun. It’s best to start learning to play early, as a child. Children need smaller instruments to learn on and move up to larger ones as they grow; hopefully all the way to a full size instrument. The problem has been smaller instruments are usually rented rather than purchased, and sometimes the rental instruments are the least expensive available and don’t look and play like better quality instruments. These rental instruments can be well-used and hard to play, and discourage many kids who leave the music program.
SanMarco hopes to change that with beautiful flamed maple, lovely grained spruce and instruments that are easy to play even in smaller sizes. The price is less than more difficult instruments in rental pools, so we hope to see SanMarco orchestra instruments rented to help keep more kids proud of their instrument and motivated to make it sing with music.